Student Living

Diwali and finding new homes

Akshita Hunka reflects back on Diwali and explores the hope in celebrating festivals as an international student

Going back home for winter break this year and telling my family about my semester away from them got me thinking about some of the best and some of the hardest days of my college experience. Diwali was one of

Student Living

Euro-Summer is out, and Euro-Winter is in

Amelia Flynn guides us through 2023’s most student-friendly Christmas markets

 Although this summer we were all bombarded with an influx of American, Australian, and other international influencers’ take on Euro-Summer across our social media pages,  Europe has just as much to offer several months later when all the leaves have

Student Living

Exam season Q&A

The TN Student Living team ask TCDSU all your unanswered questions regarding the upcoming exam season


Well, it’s that time of year again… exam season….Whether this is your first experience or you are a well-practised exam veteran looking for a new approach, this article is for you. We have compiled a list of the most asked

Student Living

The Trinity spirit: Has time changed what makes Trinity students tick?

Jimena Alvarez ventures into Trinity News archives to unravel whether the essence of being a Trinity student has changed over time

The concept of student life transcends time. Conversations that are all too familiar to us include the next Student Union protest, the next Phil or Hist debate, as well as what to get from the Buttery. Who else were they

Student Living

Roleplaying adulthood

Danielle Briody reflects on the new chapters that come with the beginning of college

Everybody tells you how fast the last year of secondary school slips through your fingers, but you don’t fully understand them until you open your emails on CAO offer day. There, in capital letters, the automated email informs you where

Student Living

Unlocking your future and maximising your potential: A guide to Trinity Careers Service

Abby Cleaver speaks with careers consultant Orlaith Tunney to demystify the careers service and give you all the information you need

Career anxiety, that dreaded feeling that creeps up on nearly all students at some stage of their college careers. One day you’re a fresher forgetting about your assignment until the hours before, and the next you’re a soon-to-be graduated quasi-adult

Student Living

The top ten nightmare roommates

Erin Keenan discusses the archetypal roommates you may encounter as you move into a new flat

September time for the college student signals a number of things: new classes, reuniting with friends, basking in the final sun of summer. One of the less exciting parts of September, however, is moving into a new flat. Signing up