
Pro-life to pro-choice: confessions from a convert

On July 4, 2015 I attended the Rally for Life in Dublin. This September 30 I will be attending my first March for Choice.

I was working as a research assistant in College the summer after my first year. I saw the Rally for Life posters every day on my route to and from work but hadn’t seriously considered attending until the day of


Why do you care that I don’t want to have sex?

“[I want] be in social circles where that doesn’t matter; where we can share stories of doing it or not doing it and not worry about how we’ll look as a result”

On Valentine’s Day, I visited the doctor. He examined me to find that clamminess, tiredness, irregular discharge and glandular swelling could all point towards an STD. The following conversation occurred:

Him: “Is their any chance you have an STD?”
