Life, News

A letter to… My college friends

The summer months see our college friends spread out across the globe, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

Dear Dublin City and Friends,   

As I sit at home in 34° Celsius heat, with haze and humidity rolling over the mountains of Northern New Jersey, a piece of me wishes to be stuck inside on a rainy, grey, and


Why do you care that I don’t want to have sex?

“[I want] be in social circles where that doesn’t matter; where we can share stories of doing it or not doing it and not worry about how we’ll look as a result”

On Valentine’s Day, I visited the doctor. He examined me to find that clamminess, tiredness, irregular discharge and glandular swelling could all point towards an STD. The following conversation occurred:

Him: “Is their any chance you have an STD?”


Life, News

Take two: mastering Hilary Term

Having carefully deciphered your mam’s exasperated comments on college existence, we’ve come up with the essential advice you need to survive your second semester at Trinity



Meaning: Go to your lectures this Hilary Term. Yes, you’re starting to grow lethargic and you’re tired of being told what to do but here’s the thing; you don’t have to go to

Life, News

Diary of a Fresher: Revisited

With Michaelmas term drawing to a close, we caught up with the not-so-fresh Freshers to see how they were faring a whole semester in


In September, a group of fresh-faced first-years shared their first days as college students. They documented their experiences – everything from the infamous “Freshers’ flu”, those drawn-out introductory lectures, and spending way too much on societies that they were likely


Five eats for a fiver

Keeping up appearances on a student budget


Finding something to eat between lectures that won’t break the bank and is also close to college is a struggle for many freshers. In the middle of Dublin city centre, grabbing a cheap yet decent lunch can prove a challenge.


Diary of a Fresher

From friendly exchanges with taxi drivers, to strides of pride and even viewing Trinity through the lens of the seven deadly sins, our writers have had a week not hastily forgotten

Friday 23 September

Yasmin Underwood, Junior Freshman English and Classics:

   Moving from the forty-degree heat in the sandpit that is Dubai to the quaint metropolis of Dublin which features (what feels like) sub-zero temperatures has certainly been interesting, and has


Climate Change and Coffee

Caoimhe Gordon discusses how global warming is placing a student’s beverage of choice under threat


Every year, a similar trend emerges among the Trinity student body as the days begin to grow shorter. The temperature appears to be the only thing dropping faster than the average student’s enthusiasm to attend lectures. There only seems to …