
Developments in immunology allow for facial tumour treatment in tasmanian devils

Jessie Dolliver outlines a new therapy developed by an international group of immunologists, which was presented in a recent paper published in Nature

In a research paper published in March 2017 in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, an international group of immunologists lead by Cesar Tovar have announced an effective new therapy for treating tumours in Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) . The transmissible …


Trinity scientists discover role of “protector” molecule that fights the common flu

It is hoped that the discovery of the STAT3 molecule will lead to new therapeutic options for other viral infections


A team of Trinity scientists, led by Assistant Professor in Immunology Dr Nigel Stevenson, have discovered a new property of the STAT3 molecule. Previously only known for its importance as a biomolecule fundamental to cell growth, the Trinity team have


Trinity immunologists make breakthrough relating to vaccine immune-responses

A new adjuvant, key components in vaccines, called chitosan could pave the way for the future of vaccinations

Trinity immunologists have recently published groundbreaking research in the scientific journal Immunity relating to adjuvants. Adjuvants are key components in vaccines, and play an important role in enhancing the human body’s immune response to vaccination. Simply put, they help vaccines