
Trinity News is funded by a grant from DU Publications Committee. This publication claims no special rights or privileges. Serious complaints should be addressed to: The Editor, Trinity News, 6 Trinity College, Dublin 2. Appeals may be directed to the Press Council of Ireland.

  1. When the Editor receives a compaint, he will investigate it and attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of all involved. This must be done in a timely fashion without unneccessary delays.
  2. Complainants will be informed that they can subsequently complain to the Press Council if they are unsatisfied, the procedure for which is on Complainants should complain to the Editor in the first instance.

Trinity News is a full participating member of the Press Council of Ireland and supports the Office of the Press Ombudsman. This scheme in addition to defending the freedom of the press, offers readers a quick, fair and free method of dealing with complaints that they may have in relation to articles that appear on our pages. To contact the Office of the Press Ombudsman go to