Provost proposes to postpone student levy changes


Trinity’s Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast, has recommended that last week’s approved increases in student charges and levies be postponed until consultation with student representatives next September. The Provost also stated that he regrets not having consulted students on the original proposals.

The Students’ Union report, released on social media here, read as follows:

Following a consultative meeting held this afternoon between incoming and current student representatives, the Provost, and senior College management, TCDSU wishes to report a number of developments in relation to last week’s approval of a number of charge increases and levies.

Having expressed his regret at the lack of consultation with students on this matter, the Provost proposed that a number of the proposed charges be postponed for further consultation with student representatives in September.

As such, proposed levies on supplemental examinations and diploma & certificate ceremonies and increased charges for new student cards will not apply for the 2014/15 academic year. The Provost has committed to meeting formally with the officers-elect of TCDSU and TCD GSU to discuss the proposed charges.

A €24 increase in the commencement ceremony charge will still be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting of Board, where SU representatives will once again demand a full breakdown of this cost.

TCDSU welcomes this development and will continue to fight for thorough student consultation in College decision-making.

Trinity News has previously covered negative student reactions over Prendergast’s identity initiative and business school plans. The Students’ Union have taken measures like an email campaign to call attention to the lack of student consultation over the proposed levy changes.

These increases were to include a €20 charge for providing replacement ID cards (currently €6), a €135 fee for the commencement ceremony (currently €114), a ceremony fee of €75 for students who are awarded a diploma or certificate, and a flat rate of €250 for students who sit supplemental exams.