Leadership Race 2016: All candidate profiles

18 candidates were announced today on the steps of House Six


Today the candidates for the 2016 Leadership Race were announced on the steps of House Six. 18 students are running for the opportunity to be part of next year’s SU sabbatical team. Below you can find background information on all the candidates running for president, education, welfare, entertainment, communications & marketing and The University Times editor.


Jason Leonard:

Jason Leonard, studying for a masters in computer science, is the current deputy faculty convener for engineering, maths, and science for the SU, an ordinary member of the CSC, and is actively involved in Q-Soc, Trinity’s LGBT+ society. In the past, he has been the chair of the SU oversight commission and SU council secretary (2014/2015), a member of the SU Coiste Gaelach (Irish Committee) (2014/2015), and was nominated for “Best Individual” at the CSC Society of the Year Awards in 2015. Some of his previous SU activities include proposing the removal of the role of off-campus officer and seconding a motion to remove the role of environmental officer. – JD

Kieran McNulty:

Kieran McNulty, who is in his fourth year of a law degree, currently holds the position of citizenship officer in the SU. He has been involved with the SU throughout his college career, progressing from a class representative in first year, to a position on the electoral commission (EC) in second year and then finally to chair of the SU last year. He also acted as a delegate for Trinity at the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) congress in 2013. Outside of the SU, McNulty was the senior freshman representative for TCD Law Society and, last year, was secretary of the society. Up until recently he was the chair of The University Times’ editorial board, as well as being a senior staff writer. – UH

Stephen Carty:

Stephen Carty is a junior sophister sociology and social policy student. He is the current SU sports officer, a position introduced last year to promote sporting activities and physical health among the student body. He held both the vice-president and treasurer positions for Trinity Hall JCR last year. An award winning rower, he is a member of DU Boat Club and founded his secondary school’s first rowing team. Carty is also an active fundraiser for the Simon community, a charitable organisation providing emergency accommodation and support for the homeless. – NM

Dan O’Brien:

Dan O’Brien, a fourth year business, economics and social studies (BESS) student, is the current assistant managing editor of The University Times, having previously served as opinion editor and senior staff writer. He is the speaker coordinator for Trinity Economic Forum (TEF), helping to organise speakers and panel discussions for the society. Outside of society life, he also works as a student shelver in the Library of Trinity College Dublin. -LF


Nicholas Spare:

Nicholas Spare is a fourth year law and German student. Spare spent last year in Erlangen, Germany, as a part of the Erasmus programme. He has contributed as a staff writer for The University Times, focusing on comment and opinion pieces, and has also written for The Piranha. In his second year, as a class representative for law and German, he proposed a motion for the SU to oppose an increase in non­EU student fees, which was later passed. After the recent three percent increase of non­-EU student fees, Spare spoke out again about the lack of reaction from the SU to these changes. – GRF

Dale O’Faoilléacháin:

Dale O’Faoilléacháin is a junior sophister physiotherapy student. He is the current health sciences convener in the SU. In addition, he sits on the SU’s education committee. In his senior freshman year, he was the SU’s school of medicine convener and the sports officer at Trinity Hall JCR. Before this, he was junior freshman physiotherapy class representative. He is the serving public relations officer (PRO) at DU Clinical Therapies Society. O’Faoilléacháin was listed on the Dean of Students’ List for Volunteering in 2015 and the Dean of Students’ Roll of Honour in 2014. He is also an S2S peer mentor. – NL

Patrick Higgins:

Patrick Higgins is a third year history and political science student. He has previously worked for Trinity News as a staff writer and later held the role of online news editor.  – LF


Aoibhinn Ní Lochlainn:

Aoibhinn Ní Lochlainn is a third year medical student. She is a head mentor with S2S, welfare volunteer coordinator in the SU, and was secretary of Trinity’s TradSoc last year, which saw the society win “Most Improved” society at the CSC Society of the Year Awards. She plays the fiddle and has a history of being involved in fundraising in college, participating in Jailbreak last year. She was also a member of Doctors for Yes for the Marriage Equality Referendum 2015. – JF

Éamonn Redmond:

Éamonn Redmond, a fourth year social studies student, is the current volunteer liaison officer for Trinity Vincent de Paul Society (VDP). Last year, he co­organised and led the society’s annual fundraising hike of the Camino de Santiago in February, having walked it the previous year as well. Redmond has also been heavily involved in the annual VDP pantomime for the past two years. He has served as an SU class representative for a number of years and was also previously the SU school convener for social work and social policy. – CdB

Tom McHugh:

Tom McHugh is a final year English student and former Film student. He was chairperson of the TCD Sign Language Society for two years and is currently secretary and has campaigned on many issues related to disability rights in college and Deaf awareness and rights outside college. He is also currently Librarian for DU Modern Languages Society, and has previously or currently been involved with campaigns with QSoc, YesEquality, and Students Against Fees. – MM

Andrew Wafer:

Andrew Wafer is a third year politics and economics student involved with Trinity Surf Club and is a sailing instructor. He took part in a colours surf competition against UCD. – MM


Caolan Maher:

Caolan Maher is a second year Earth Sciences student. Maher made his name in terms of student nights out by founding the student night Wrekt, which started last January in the twisted pepper but has now moved to Grand Social. – CM

Grace O’Boyle:

Grace O’Boyle is a third year History of Art and Architecture and Sociology Student at Trinity College Dublin. O’Boyle has experience with DU Players, and has been involved in organising entertainment nights for the society. – CM

Padraic Rowley:

Padraic Rowley is a fourth year computer science student. He has been heavily involved in student life in the past four years, having served as Ents Officer for Student2Student, the SciFi Society and fencing club, as well as an ordinary committee member for TrinityFM. He was the chairperson of the ‘Relay for Life’, Trinity’s only ‘twenty-four hour sober event’ which involved over thirty societies. – OVC

Katie Brown:

Katie Browne is a psychology undergrad and an entertainment manager. She has worked as an S2S mentor and she served as social officer for Trinity GAA. She also served as chair of DU Psychology Society. – MM


Communications & Marketing

Glen Byrne:

Glen Byrne is a senior sophister law student. Having returned from an Erasmus year in Leuven, Belgium, this year he holds promotional positions on two society committees, as public relations officer (PRO) for TCD Law Society (Law Soc), and visual communications officer for DU Photography Association (DUPA). He has written for The University Times and has a history of debating in college, having been involved in The Phil. He has also carried out design and layout work for publications such as The Piranha and Law Soc’s Law Shock magazine, and has designed posters for various society events. Byrne took part in Jailbreak 2014. – JF

Emmet Broaders:

Emmet Broaders is in his third year of a computer science degree. He was the technical officer with Trinity Hall JCR last year. Broaders is also a member of DU Computer Science Society (DUCSS). – LF

University Times Editor

Sinead Baker:

This will be the second year running that students will elect the University Times editor in the leadership elections since the role was split from the communications post. Like last year, the election will be uncontested with only one person, a senior member of UT staff, running for the position. Sinéad Baker is a long-time UT staff member and is presently deputy editor of the publication. She has also been deeply involved in TCDSU, serving as convenor for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences faculty. She also held the position of social secretary for Cancer Soc. Baker is a final year English and Philosophy TSM student. – WF

Una Harty, Jessie Dolliver, Niamh Moriarty, Lia Flattery, Greta Rosen Fondahn, Niamh Lynch, Julie Farrell, William Foley, Conn de Barra, Oisin Vince Coulter and Matthew Mulligan contributed to this piece