On Thursday night, a ‘Sustainable Fashion Show’ was held in the Atrium as a part of the university’s Green Week.
The week was organised by the Green Campus Committee in collaboration with the environmental society in Trinity.
The entrants had been tasked with putting together an outfit using “upcycling”- reusing discarded objects or material in a way which creates something of a higher value- or using any other environmentally sustainable technique.
Co-hosting the event with the environmental society was Hisham and Max of Lucy’s Lounge, a second-hand and vintage clothes shop in Temple Bar, which promotes sustainable fashion by selling previously owned clothing, and updating out-of-fashion items.
There were four entrants Anna Ní Chathail, and Shona Egan created a dress from waste plastic, which was modeled by Anna. They said that: “The inspiration for our piece was the recent statistic ‘by the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish unless we change our consumption patterns.”
Maeve McCann, from county Fermanagh was inspired by her “love for renewable and sustainable things” and Irish seaweed. She recounted that she had gathered shells and other decorations for the piece from the beach with “the help of my wonderfully talented mum.” The outfit was modeled by Hanan Woods.
Erin Flynn made and modeled the third piece, which was created from two old dresses she had had at home, and was not planning on wearing again. She combined the two and decorated the piece with old splintered cds.
The final and winning piece was made from twigs and branches, and was inspired by the growth and changeability of the fashion industry.This piece was created by myself, Jessie Dolliver, and worn by Maxime Deckers.
The night ended with Simon Benson and Aine O’Gorman, the main organisers, thanking the attendees for coming and encouraging the students to participate in environmental society events.