A motion to apply for funding for an “Art For Health” Zone has been approved by Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union at the final meeting of Council of the academic year.
The motion – which was proposed by Mathew Moore, Student Parent Officer to the Students Union – is to paint an area of the grounds and walls adjacent to the Day Nursery and Health Centre with murals and pictures. The Zone would be “visually appealing to children” and would aim to “make the wider student population aware that this is an area with a concentration of children”. The motion is supported by Aoife Cox, Day Nursery Manager; Catherine Giltrap, curator of College Art Collective; Martina Mullin, Health Promotion Officer; and Katie Crowther, GSU President.
The funds are not available to the Day Nursery to create this zone, and such Moore has sought out funding from the Higher Education Authority. The project would, it is estimated, cost €3950 in total. However, the report recognises that cost is difficult to estimate given that there is no art design as of yet.
Approval has already been obtained from Estates & Facilities to paint the area, however the Zone’s design will have to be put forward for approval to the Grounds and Gardens Committee, the Day Nursery and Health Centre management.
The motion was broached at previous council, however could not be voted on at that point as council had not reached quorum. The motion carried in this instance by a near total majority.