Madhav Bhargav has been elected Vice-President of Trinity College Dublin Graduate’s Student Union (GSU).
The total valid poll was 502, with Bhargav receiving 288 votes on the second count which amounted to 48.2% of the total. Laura Matthews received 28.9%, while Shonottra Kumar received 22.9% of the total.
Trinity News spoke to the Vice-Presidential candidates before the final tally was announced. Matthews said: “ It was a really great experience. I was at a disadvantage as I didn’t know as many people as the other two candidates did. I have had lots of support from my undergrad and postgrad friends. Overall, it was a great experience.”
Speaking about the election, Bhargav said it was “really amazing to be out there in the field. It was exciting to campaign with post-grads about the GSU. ”
Kumar said that it was “definitely tiring with exams next week. I had many fun activities planned. I wouldn’t fully campaign. It was full on but I am happy about it. ”
Laura Matthews, who is in her first year as a postgraduate student, was the Class Rep for Science Education m.ed and the School Rep for the School of Education. She was involved with Trinity College Students’ Union as the Natural Science convenor both this year and the previous year, and was a class rep in her third year. Last year, Matthews was on the undergraduate education committee, and was involved with a number of SU campaign weeks such as RAG week and Body and Soul, while the previous year she attended the USI congress as a Trinity delegate. She has been involved in Student Union campaigns before, working as Education Officer-elect Alice McPherson’s campaign manager this year, and deputy campaign manager to Ents Officer Padraig Rowley last year.
Madhav Bhargav is a Masters student in Applied Psychology. Bhargav is a current member of the Graduate Students Union (GSU) Events Committee, Communications Team as well as the Student Conduct and Capacity Team. Bhargav also acted as School Representative of the Department of Psychology and Course Representative for Msc Applied Psychology this academic year.
Bhargav took the role Project Manager of the Communications Team that designed a clothing line for the fashion show which will be held in the upcoming Postgrad week in conjunction with the Commerce and Revenue Team. As a member of the Events Committee, Bhargav was involved in the organisation of events from the Halloween Ball to Christmas Commons as well as working on the upcoming charity fashion show. As School Representative, Bhargav also mediated class academic issues with the Course Director.
Shonottra Kumar did her undergraduate studies in Law at the University of Mumbai, before working as a litigation counsel, primarily around women and labour rights.
Kumar’s manifesto focused on reaching out to graduate students and helping those in need. She planned to continue the current ‘open office’ policy, along with fundraisers in aid of the Postgraduate Hardship Fund. Kumar also run on expanding the social aspect of the GSU, with more “organized meetups and gatherings” to encourage “networking.” Kumar hoped to tackle the ongoing accommodation crises and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
Additional reporting by Seana Davis, Aisling Grace and Sarah Meehan