A motion to fund a paid Student2Student internship program was passed tonight by the Council of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU). It had been proposed by the Union’s Forum. The motion had previously been put forward as a discussion item at the previous meeting of Council.
This original proposal suggested a two year pilot program, with a proposed budget of €49,685 to cover the annual salaries of two interns and associated employer contributions. The proposed program would see a graduating volunteer taking a paid internship for the year, managing other volunteers, and providing a student perspective for existing staff within S2S.
The proposal aims to encourage students to become more involved with the S2S by offering an incentive to students, while offering increased resources for the S2S program. Finally, the program hopes that the student perspective offered will “ensure we consistently keep a student perspective at the heart of what we do”.
Speaking in favour of the motion, TCDSU President, Kieran McNculty said “it is a significant investment” and encouraged students to come forward to discuss it. Laura Murphy, the current President of S2S, said the proposal was brought forward “trying to increase peer support, and help cover the welfare officer. We only have two full time people working in the admin….they need the support”. McNulty further said that it would greatly impact the amount of casework that Welfare Officers need to deal with, alleviating pressure.
There were no speakers against the motion.
Additional reporting by Cathal Kavanagh