University College Dublin Students’ Union (UCDSU) Campaign and Communications Officer, Barry Murphy will run for President in this month’s by-elections on November 22 and 23.
In a facebook statement, Murphy stated “I have decided that I will be running for the position of UCDSU president in our upcoming by-election. This decision has not been taken lightly but I am doing so for the betterment of our union.”
Murphy promises to bring stability back to UCDSU, following the impeachment of former UCDSU President Katie Ascough. Ascough was impeached following her decision to remove illegal abortion information. Murphy along with three other sabbatical officers all campaigned for her impeachment.
“I have the ability and experience to lead the union in the months ahead to achieve these goals” Murphy added. As campaigns and communication officer, Murphy states he has learned “The importance of our SU mandates and the direction they give us in fighting for what students want. I have learned that the only people we answer to are our student membership”.
Murphy also answered questions raised over his involvement in the impeachment of Ascough. “I never wanted an impeachment at the the beginning, voicing my support to the Yes vote was an incredibly difficult decision to make. I stood up for what I felt was right and I stand by that decision.”