Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Ents Officer candidate Jerico Alcaras took over The Globe last night with his event, “Intergalactic”. The event featured acoustic performances from Sean Kelleghan and Nobody’s Heroes vocalist Neo Morake, followed by a live set from DJ Uzi.
During the hustings, Alcaras repeatedly emphasised a platform anchored on diversity, equality, and inclusion “regardless of your background or status”. Intergalactic did not veer from this platform, albeit a vague platform. Speaking to Trinity News during the event, Alcaras stated: “My goal for this evening was to get everybody together, to bring about a crowd that does not discriminate” before adding that he envisioned a “chill” night.
The venue, as well as the acoustic performances, certainly contributed towards this vision. Although the setting was more intimate than one may have expected, it added to the “chill” and laid-back atmosphere that Alcaras was aiming for.
The smaller crowd also allowed for a warm, comfortable ambience that did not hinder the performances, as a lively engagement between the musicians and attendees was maintained. Most notably, Morake entertained the crowd with his impressive guitar-playing and vocals, charm, and energy. He played music from a variety of genres, including J. Cole, Childish Gambino, and The Proclaimers, all of which proved to be a crowd favourite during the event.
Intergalactic was a well-run event on the whole and flowed smoothly from performance to performance, but was not without hiccups. Perhaps due to the venue chosen, the drinks were too expensive for a student-focused event. With event pricing becoming more and more of an issue for students, this area should have been given more focus.
Alcaras originally planned a €1 entry fee to Intergalactic in aid of Focus Ireland, before being blocked by the Electoral Commission (EC) from doing so. The fee was part of his plan to donate €1 for every ticket sold if elected.