Trinity News is running our annual poll ahead of the Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) sabbatical officer elections next week, and we want to hear what you think.
Our main interest is learning what students think about the upcoming elections. To what extent do people already know how they’re going to vote, and if so, who are they going to vote for?
As well as giving a snapshot of the state of the election before voting begins, polling helps us to understand why people vote the way they do. Are there trends in support for different candidates among certain College faculties, or year groups, or other demographics? Do people of different political affiliations, or who feel more or less engaged with TCDSU plan to vote in particular ways?
We also want to find out how students feel about a range of other issues. The Trinity News poll is one of the largest purely student-run surveys in Ireland, and it’s a unique opportunity to gauge the Trinity community’s feelings on topical questions. Because of this, we want to get as many responses as possible, even from people who aren’t necessarily going to vote in TCDSU elections.
For example, students are an important demographic in national politics, so we want to know how Trinity feels about the various political parties. This year has also seen a gradual transition back to primarily on-site teaching after a wholly-online 2020/21; how do students feel College has handled this transition? What are people’s feelings on TCDSU in general, in terms of how it represents them and how it conducts political advocacy?
We hope that this year’s poll will give us insight into all these questions and more. The more students who participate, the more representative it will be of all of college. The poll closes at 8pm on Saturday, February 26 – We’d love to know what you think.