Written, produced and performed by the incredible Isla Fairfield, Hot Girl Summer follows our protagonist Tilly as she undergoes her self-proclaimed hot girl summer. Post-break-up, Tilly jets off on a girl’s trip to Barcelona and impulsively takes a job in London, far away from her small Scottish town upbringing. As she navigates her new life in the big city, it’s clear that her new life is not all she hoped for. The performance follows strings of bad dates and hookups, one of which ends in a spell of chlamydia, as Tilly slowly realises that the fulfilment she is looking for can’t be found on a dating app. Processing the loss of her mother, the performance ends with Tilly realising that she needs to take time with herself before entering into a relationship.
“Her comedic timing paired with her dazzling stage presence makes the solo comedy show impactful and memorable”
Although Hot Girl Summer tackles deep and serious issues, Fairfield’s amusing writing and dynamic performance has the audience in stitches for the duration. Her comedic timing paired with her dazzling stage presence makes the solo comedy show impactful and memorable. The director and founder of Pink Palace Productions, Isla Fairfield is a masterful and impressive talent. Hot Girl Summer was run in partnership with Strut Safe during the Fringe, a non-judgemental phone line that will be a friendly voice to keep you company until you’re home safe.