Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Council has voted to campaign for greater dental care support for Trinity students and staff.
The motion, which passed at this evening’s Council meeting, mandates that the TCDSU President and Welfare and Equality Officer put pressure on college to establish an on campus dentist to provide free-of-charge services to students and staff who wish to receive regular check ups.
The motion also states that such a service should provide additional services at an affordable rate “at least in line with those that would be accessed through HSE’s Dental Treatment Service Scheme with a medical card”.
The motion was proposed by Beircheart Ó hÓgáin, a class representative and seconded by Pól Ó hÍomhair, a class representative and Leas Eagrathoír Gaeilge for Trinity News.
Speaking in favour of the motion Ógáin that there is “a general shortage of dentists available in a lot of communities in Ireland”.
“It’s pretty expensive for a lot of people, a lot of people are locked out of it.”
Under the HSE Dental Treatment Service Scheme, a number of dental services are provided for free to medical card holders including regular check-ups, teeth cleaning, extractions and up to two fillings per year.