
TCDSU’s Environmental Lobby Group Launch

Present at the launch was Senator Grace O’Sullivan of the Green Party, who openly supported Trinity’s divestment campaign.


“[Elliot] spoke of the dangers currently facing us with climate change, and how Trinity’s divestment could ‘send a powerful message’. The group expect a decision to be made on this in early December.”

Yesterday evening saw TCDSU’s new Environmental Lobby


Trinity to partner with one of Vietnam’s largest universities

The deal relates to the new Bachelor of Business Studies programme


Trinity College Dublin will partner with University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) following President Michael D. Higgins’ State Visit to Vietnam, it was announced today.

The agreement signed by Trinity and UEH regards the recently introduced Bachelor of

Life, News

Views from the Six

Deputy Trinity Life Editor Emma McCarthy sits down with current Environmental Officer Thomas Emmet to discuss his role, the responsibilities involved, and the distinctly green plans set to appear on students’ horizons this year


The majority of students are familiar with the Students’ Union’s sabbatical officers, but can the same be said of the SU’s part-time officers? Who are these faces from House 6, and just how do they work to contribute to student …


Sell the Kells

Fossil Free TCD’s tongue-in-cheek petition provides a novel way to draw attention to Trinity’s decision on divestment this November


“Hi, would you be interested in signing our petition towards selling the Book of Kells?”

It is in no way unusual to be approached by whichever group or society have claimed the tables on the first floor of the Arts


TCDSU’s Know Your Union Week

Emma McCarthy gives the run-down of the SU’s latest campaign and what they hope to acheive out the week’s activities



   “I suppose we brought “Know Your Union Week” into play to make our positions, and the union itself, more accessible.”

 “Freshers’ week isn’t over” is the leading line in the Students’ Union’s introduction to their new campaign week, “Know Your