
Kilonava observation marks the dawn of Multi-Messenger Astronomy

“There are rare occasions when a scientist has the chance to witness a new era at its beginning,”

In October 2017, following the observation of gamma-ray bursts, visible light, and gravitational waves, all from the same event (a ‘kilonova’, the merging of two incredibly dense neutron stars), several papers were published in the journal Nature and elsewhere outlining


European Southern Observatory scheduled to make mystery announcement following Ireland’s plans to join in 2018

An increase in the budget for innovation in 2018 will finally allow Ireland to become a member of the 16-nation organisation

Spoiler alert: the mystery announcement is completely unrelated to Ireland’s joining the European Southern Observatory (ESO), but is nonetheless very exciting, featuring something never-before-seen, according to Observatory.

This announcement will now be of particular interest to Irish astrophysicists, as an