In January, a story began to circulate in national and international press outlets detailing the arrest and imprisonment of a 54-year-old Vietnamese woman, charged with unlawful possession of cannabis for supply and sale contrary to section 15 of the Misuse …
Bringing the Korean Wave to Ireland
Kpop Ireland and Cork-based magazine Japako are among the groups making waves to promote Korean culture and merchandise in Ireland.
In late November, the TCD Global Room saw itself playing host to an overwhelmingly large gathering of students and local Dubliners for the Korean Society’s culture day. Packed to the rafters, the sound of music and voices spilled out into …
Hijacked opinions
What is the use in saying “better prejudiced than sorry” when you are simply playing into the hands of a group of assholes who populate both sides of the conflict?
In 2006, Robert Fisk, the Independent’s Middle Eastern correspondent, delivered a cautionary speech to an audience at the Islamic Society of North America, in which he recalled being on a trans-Atlantic flight on September 11th, 2001. After learning about the …
‘We don’t share your ideas for freedom of speech’
For Irish-born Islamic convert Khalid Kelly, the former leader of Al-Muhajiroun in Ireland, the Charlie Hedbo attack was a symbolic act of retaliation against Western imperialism.
In the hours following the Charlie Hebdo shootings, footage showing one gunman executing a police officer surfaced online. Pointing his index finger upwards to make the sign of Shahada, the declaration of one god, the masked man bellowed “Allahu Akbar. …
From Karbalā to Milltown via the South Circular Road
Michael Lanigan talks Islam and ISIS with Mudafar al-Tawash, a leader of Dublin’s Sunni community.
The Irish Sunni population flock in their droves each Friday to fill the Islamic Foundation of Ireland Mosque, on the South Circular Road, which, as its peak capacity, can accommodate about 800 persons. Like a condensed Mecca, the crowds spill …
From Karbala to Milltown, history repeats itself
Michael Lanigan interviews Dr. Ali al-Saleh, Imam at the Shia mosque in Milltown.
It is Friday afternoon in Milltown’s Ahlul Bayt Islamic Centre on October 24th and Imam Dr. Ali al-Saleh is speaking before a congregation of 24 Shia men. It is the eve of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic …
Going underground for ISIS
In early September, Newstalk aired an interview in which Dr Ali al-Saleh, the Imam of Milltown’s Ahlul Bayt Islamic Centre, noted his concerns regarding the presence of ISIS sympathisers in Ireland. Speaking on the show, al-Saleh said his son had …
Summer of discontent
On 29th July, the Israeli consulate in midtown Manhattan played reluctant host to a large act of solidarity with the Palestinian people. The non-violent gathering provoked an almost immediate reaction when 26 demonstrators – including the Jewish political scientist Norman …