Life, News

Why The Rose of Trinity is worthy of RTÉ

Una Harty reviews Trinity’s own night of glamour, glitz and hijinks as the Roses took over the Sugar Club stage last night

rose of trinners


The title ‘The Rose of Trinity’ suggests poise, tranquility and elegance. Yet such a concoction of Hugh Fitzgibbon’s nimble wit, James Kavanagh’s invasive questioning and an ode to the “Huns of the Hamilton” ensured that that was not the offering

Life, News

Trinity / Identity : Religion

In the second installment in the Trinity/Identity series, Trinity Life editor Úna Harty sits down with students and staff to discuss religion and faith on campus



“The other side of religion is that you go into yourself. There is more to life than what you can see, taste and touch than scientific rationale.”

What happens when you ask a Catholic, a Muslim, a Jew, a Wiccan,


The TCD Directorial Debut Festival continues to take centre stage

Trinity Life editor Úna Harty speaks with some of the Debut directors and extracts what wisdom they have gained from the theatrical test of bringing a show to the Beckett stage



“It’s possible to use this module as a way to get your foot in the door, to get your work acknowledged so that people can be aware of who you are and what you want to do.”

“A wonderful way

Life, News

Nuair a bhíonn an chat amuigh, bíonn an luch ag rince – the rise of the Cumann Gaelach in the midst of a language crisis

Tar éis an Oireachtas, labhraíonn eagarthóir Trinity Life Úna Ní Artaigh le Ciarán Wadd ón Chumann chun solas a scoith ar saol an Ghaeilge ar champas



“It is a bit sad though that English speakers go there not even attempting to speak Irish. How hard is it to say “pionta Guinness le do thoil”?”

Bhuaileas le Ciarán Wadd, Leas-Reachtaire an Chumainn, atá ina thriú bliain dena


Professor Brian Cox addresses the Phil to talk populism, philosophy and physics

Trinity Life editor Úna Harty heads along to the Q&A session with the Manchurian popular science communicator Brian Cox



Particle physicist Professor Brian Cox descended upon the GMB this afternoon to greet science and non-science Trinity students alike. The ‘Wonders of…’ presenter and the author/co-author of over 950 scientific publications and brought this rhetoric to the chamber with his

Life, News

Well executed – an evening of argument and acting in the Freemason’s Hall with DU History

Trinity Life editor Úna Harty weighs up the facts for the More-Cromwell case brought to an avid audience on Molesworth street this evening


Lavish and grandiose; the Freemason’s Hall on Molesworth street, was set to be the location of DU History’s annual mock trial event. ‘The King’s Good Servant’ aimed to please and inform the crowd on the facts and feelings of Henry …

Features, Life

Trinity and Identity: Sexuality

In this series, Trinity Life Editor Úna Harty attempts to bridge the gap between Trinity students and their relationship with different aspects of their lives.



Sexuality is possibly one of the most complex aspects of the human race. It underpins a large part of how we interact with our peers and can significantly contribute to a person’s well-being; from personality traits to lifestyle choices.



First SU Council

Trinity News live blogs the first SU Council of the year

Stephen Sheil has just been elected the Joint Programme Convenor. The position was raised as motion by AHSS Convenor, Alice McPhearson.


The nominations for the Education Committee have been put forward. Hiram Moylan was first to speak, followed by …

Life, News

An Cumann Gaelach to join DU Amnesty and the VDP in Jailbreak line-up this year

The famous invarsity rat race in aid of charity shall now be expecting contestants to try out the cúpla focail



Trinity VDP, DU Amnesty and Cumann Gaelach TCD today announced that An Cumann Gaelach are to partner with both of the campus charities for next March’s Jailbreak event.

Áine Haberlin, Reachtaire of An Cumann Gaelach spoke passionately about the announcement.


Probing Around Trinity’s Cutting-Edge Research

Trinity Life Editor, Úna Harty explores Front Square as it is dominated by the Science Gallery showcasing the college’s latest accessible research.

This Friday, Trinity’s Front Square was flooded with not only rainwater, but also the Science Gallery’s latest event, ‘Probe’.

‘Probe: Research Uncovered at Trinity College Dublin’ provided the general public with an opportunity to have a nosey around what goes