
TCDSU votes to organise referendum on full-time Irish language officer

The referendum would also give constitutional status to the Irish language within the union


Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) passed a motion to begin organising a referendum to have a full-time Irish Language Officer.

This will also give the Irish language official constitutional status within TCDSU.

The referendum will be held on the

Academia - Arts Block

TCDSU calls on Provost to cut ties with university rankings

Molnárfi said university rankings “are infused with a corporate ethos that push the neoliberalisation of our institutions”

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) has called for a “formal and insightful investigation” into College’s participation in university rankings systems and a “withdrawal from data provision to ranking makers” if possible.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Council …


TCDSU criticises “once-off and temporary measures” in Budget 2024

The union described it as an “election budget” that aims to “dazzle students”

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) released a statement on Budget 2024, criticising its “once-off and temporary” nature. 

In a statement released, it welcomed some measures that alleviate the burden of the cost of education on students, ultimately describing it


USI: Budget 2024 is “an overall disappointment”

USI welcome once-off measures to help with the high cost of going to college but criticises government’s lack of medium and long-term measures to solve the crisis

This evening, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) released a statement welcoming some of the one-off measures in Budget 2024 to help with the high cost of going to College, while also criticising the government for the lack of


Rent Tax Credit to increase to €750

The tax credit will also be amended to include parents who are paying for students living in “rent a room” or “digs” accommodation


Today, it was announced that the rent tax credit will be increased from €500 to €750 as part of a €1.16bn suite of tax measures as part of Budget 2024.

Claimants will have up to four years to claim the


“Our Unions are ready to escalate”: USI stages protest calling on government to use “rainy day” fund for third-level students

Trinity students’ absences are excused today as a “mark of solidarity” with student’s demands

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Today, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) staged a demonstration calling on government to use its €65bn “rainy day” fund to tackle the student accommodation crisis and the cost of going to college.

This coincides with the USI pre-budget


591 sign letter to Provost calling for two-year rent freeze

The letter issued an ultimatum to College to commit to a two-year rent freeze or face “further disruptive action” similar to the recent blockade of the Book of Kells and Long Room

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) President László Molnárfi today submitted a letter to Provost Linda Doyle calling for a two-year rent freeze on College accommodation.

The letter has garnered 591 signatures since Wednesday, including that of previous TCDSU President


TCDSU issues ultimatum on two-year rent freeze, threatens “further disruptive action”

In an open letter, TCDSU gave College until 11 October to commit to a rent freeze, threatening “further disruptive action”

Today, in an open letter addressed to Provost Linda Doyle, Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) issued an ultimatum to College on the recent decision to raise accommodation fees by the maximum legal limit of 2%, demanding a two-year rent


TCD PWO seeks capitation to “ensure long term representation of all of Trinity’s postgraduate researchers”

It is proposed that TCDSU represent postgraduate students in academic affairs, while PWO represents research postgraduates on issues such as workers’ rights and departmental disputes

The Postgraduate Workers’ Organisation (PWO) has submitted a formal request to the Capitations Committee through Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU).

The PWO seek €6,500 in funding, of which it says €4,000 will be allocated to campaigns, €1,000 to events,


Trinity ranked 31st university in Europe

College ranked 31st in the QS World Rankings’ first European-only list


Trinity College Dublin has ranked 31st in the QS World Rankings’ first European-only rankings, making it the highest-rated Irish university in Europe.

The QS World University Rankings issued its first-ever list focusing solely on Europe, including 688 universities from across …