
King’s Inns Fellowship introduced for trainee barristers from disadvantaged backgrounds

The Denham Fellowship will support two aspiring barristers on an annual basis


Two aspiring barristers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds will be provided with financial, educational and professional support under a fellowship announced today by the Bar of Ireland.

The “Denham Fellowship” includes waived law library fees, remission of fees to the Barrister-at-Law …


Scientists find the brain region underpinning social deficit in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Research at Trinity College Dublin has uncovered differences in brain activity in those with an ASD

Trinity pic


Research undertaken at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) has led to the discovery of the brain region that underpins social deficit in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it was announced today.

The international team of scientists is comprised of researchers from Trinity,


European Court of Justice dismisses claim against Trinity for discriminatory pension rules

The claim was made by Dr David Parris, a former French lecturer in College



The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has dismissed a claim made by a retired lecturer against Trinity College for unfair treatment on the grounds of sex and age discrimination regarding its pension rules. The ruling was made last Thursday.



Trinity professor launches education programme for young unemployed adults

The launch for Career LEAP took place in Trinity Chapel last night



Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, has launched a programme, led by a Trinity professor, to help young unemployed adults in Dublin’s north inner city gain employment. The launch took place last night in Trinity Chapel.



UCDSU will send submission to Citizens’ Assembly following referendum

The submission follows the defeat of last week’s referendum on SU neutrality regarding abortion


University College Dublin Students’ Union (UCDSU) have sent in a submission to the Citizens’ Assembly advocating for a referendum to repeal the 8th amendment.

The submission follows a referendum held last week, in which UCD students voted against the adoption