
‘Persepolis’ creator Marjane Satrapi talks culture, religion and conservatism at the Phil

Clare Martin gives us an insight into the wise words of graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi, who spoke at the Phil yesterday afternoon upon receiving a Gold Medal of Honorary Patronage


Yesterday afternoon, the University Philosophical society awarded Iranian graphic novelist and film director Marjane Satrapi with the Gold Medal of Honorary Patronage. Satrapi is best known for writing and illustrating the award-winning comic book (she prefers this term to “graphic


Confronting futility during the scholarship season

Many are intimidated by the workload and prestige of Trinity’s scholarship exams. The first step towards success is managing expectations, both positive and negative.

InDepthWhen I asked my friends how they felt about Schols, I received a wide variety of answers, from a comparison between the tests and futility of Sisyphus’ effort to push his stone uphill, to an incomprehensible stream of expletives. In …