
Class divide in Irish Education

Jane Purdom investigates DEIS schools and the types of third level education they lead to

An introduction to the class divide in Irish Education

“Trinity News was therefore able to conclude that half of Trinity’s incoming first year students come from just 68 schools.”

In December 2016, the ongoing debate around a class divide in


Delving into Trinity’s Societal Past

As college resumes and society memberships are culled, Jane Purdom looks into some of the largest societies and how they contribute to the living history of the college


“Considering this source in isolation, it is easy to imagine societies having an even more influential role on the student experience than they do today – acting as powerful driving forces of innovation and progress that integrated the student body


Why sell out?

Jane Purdom delves into the minefield of multinational firms and discovers that “the idea of selling out is far from simple”


The Big Four in the world of business, the Big Five in the world of law — any final year student knows what these terms mean. Multinational firms that have set up in Ireland for what some may consider questionable