
Commuters versus campus dwellers: a look into the allocation of on-campus accommodation

Trinity News investigates the smoke and mirrors of how campus accommodation is allocated

“I got told by a few Southside friends ‘use your granny — you’re thick not to.’” Sean, under pseudonym, spoke to Trinity News about his experience applying for on-campus housing, the rejection that meant he commuted for three hours

Food & Drink

Flatmates and food: a guide to the challenges and solutions when sharing a common kitchen in college

Lara Monahan explores what the most typical kitchen crises are and how best to resolve them

With students having moved into shared accommodation ahead of a busy academic year, the phrases ‘bin rota’ and ‘cleaning schedule’ have no doubt already shot up in their usage. The challenges of sharing a common kitchen are both numerous and


Working at Trinity as a Trinity Student

Trinity News sits down with students who work at Trinity to get to the bottom of why these positions are so competitive.

“Yeah we’ve got a grand old group. You make good friends while you’re there.” These are the words of Trinity student Alex, under pseudonym, who works through the summer as a Trinity Trails tour guide. Alex isn’t the only student

Student Living

Is Freshers overhyped?

Lara Monahan explores if the most hyped week of the college year lives up to the stereotypes

Dunnes is all out of duvet covers, thousands of Dr Martens are being broken in at once, and you have joined five societies just because they smiled and gave you a party-size bag of Haribo. That means only one thing


About Bloody Time: Period Poverty in Ireland

Lara Monahan discusses the impact of new initiatives against period poverty

Following TCDSU’s announcement of a free period product scheme earlier this month, which itself followed the announcement from the government last year of a “pilot initiative which will see free, sustainable period products and dispensers for students”, period poverty seems