It is impossible to ignore the accommodation crisis in this city. It has completely changed the way in which students live their lives, and not for the better. It’s gotten to the point where polite conversation and waiting for change …
“The drink is a curse”
Taking a more serious look than the Hardy Bucks, Laura Beston reflects on our relationship to alcohol
This day nine months ago marked a huge change for me. Waking up hungover from a Christmas work party, little would I know that this could be the last hangover I ever had. I have received many questions as to …
Why are disability rights such a non-issue for politicians?
The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities has yet to be ratified in Ireland
What is the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) and why should you care? It’s a valid question. Why should you care about a UN Convention that so many people know nothing about?
The reality is …
How Trinity’s disability supports are letting students down
Laura Beston speaks about her frustration with the lack of support College provides for students with disabilities
Trinity has an interesting way of presenting itself with regard to certain issues. As a student with a disability, who openly speaks about it and gets to hear other people’s opinions, I have come to this conclusion: College has a …
A Student Filmmaker’s Paradise: DU Film Festival
Trinity’s very first DU Film Festival ran a range of events throughout the week, fostering relationships between young Irish filmmakers.
This week saw Trinity’s inaugural student film festival, DU Film Festival (DUFF), fully embracing their slogan of ‘by students, for students’. Ran in and around Trinity campus by DU Film Society, it was the first festival of it’s kind and …