Life, News

Learning the Ropes: Q Soc and Trinity Knitting Society’s ‘Stitch and Bitch’

Shining the spotlight on one of Trinity’s many smaller society affairs, Rory Codd tagged along to the traditional ‘Stitch and Bitch’ held by Q Soc and Trinity’s Knitting Society.

Last night, on Tuesday March 21, I tagged along to Q Soc and Trinity Knitting Society’s collaborative ‘Stitch and Bitch’ event in the Elizabethan room of House 6. This is not the first time these societies have come together, normally


Why I wanted to stay in Trinity Hall for a second year

Social media pages, door-to-door canvassing, hustings and interviews all crammed into three days; what is it like to run for the Trinity Hall JCR, and is it really worth it?

The elections for the 2017/18 Junior Common Room (JCR)  committee concluded on Wednesday night in Rathmines pub Mother Reilly’s, where votes were counted following three days of intense campaigning. The JCR is the student committee responsible for looking after the

Life, News

Inspiring and empowering feminism: “We Should All Be Feminists” screening & panel

Today, Wednesday March 8, is International Women’s Day. To celebrate women and the feminist movement, Trinity’s Global Room held a screening of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s influential TEDx Talk “We Should All Be Feminists”, followed by a short panel discussion.


Life, News

Queer prom: the debs I wished I’d had

Rory Codd details the success of the second Intervarsity Queer Prom hosted last night by Royal College of Surgeons.

Last night, Friday February 24, I had the pleasure of attending the second annual Intervarsity Queer Prom, an event held for LGBT+ students across all of Dublin’s third-level institutions. It was hosted last year by Trinity’s very own Q Soc, …

Life, News

An Arts perspective: What is a quantum vacuum?

We sent English student, Rory Codd, along to a Physoc talk by Professor Fry yesterday evening to see how accessible it would be for a non-science student.


Last night I tagged along to DU Physoc’s ‘Quantum Vacuum’ talk, delivered by Professor Emeritus Michael Fry of Trinity’s School of Maths. As well as being a lecturer, Professor Fry is an active researcher and a reviewer for Physical Review.

Life, News

Drag queens in the making at Q Soc’s ‘Lip Sync For Your Life!’

Kicking off Rainbow Week yesterday, Q Soc hosted an intense lip-syncing battle to start this campaign week with a bang


This week is Rainbow Week in Trinity College, and what better way to get people involved than with an intense lip-syncing competition? Last night’s ‘Lip Sync For Your Life!’ event, hosted by none other than Trinity’s Q Soc, was a

Life, News

Trinity Halls’ ‘Avenue Q’: A Dazzling Mix of Puppetry, Profanity and Positivity

Watching puppets sing onstage about sex, pornography and casual racism may not sound overly enticing, but go see the hottest new show in Trinity Halls and you’ll never view Sesame Street the same again.



“Without a doubt, ‘Avenue Q’ is a show that you should endeavour not to miss. The quality of the production and the dazzling performances from the actors make this show a truly great achievement for Trinity Halls.”

Last night granted


Literary Society’s ‘Speak Easy’: poems, prose and pints

Rory Codd discusses the delights at Wednesday night’s LitSoc Speak Easy event


“There was a large number of us crammed cosily into the intimate setting of the upstairs event room, and there were many attendants who had the courage to stand up and speak.”

This week I had the pleasure of attending

Life, News

Magnified Societies: Q Soc

Rory Codd meets with Kyle Chambers, a member of the Q Soc committee, to discuss the society’s plans for the year and its biggest annual event


“We’re also the most active society on campus, as we have coffee hours every day and we arrange three events every week.”
Q: Could you introduce yourself and outline your role in Q Soc?

A: “I’m Kyle and I’m the