When this year’s Central Applications Office (CAO) offers were released at 2pm on Wednesday, August 28, the debate about random selection in Ireland’s higher education system resurfaced. But what exactly is random selection, and does it truly belong in a …
The highs and lows of TCDSU 2023/24
This year’s sabbatical team has been memorable, both for their successes and for their missteps
Compared to previous years, this cohort of sabbatical officers has been the most politically active in recent history. As the face of the union, President László Molnárfi has expanded political engagement on the premise that radicalism is the only viable …
College was a brutal training ground, and I’d do it all again
I have achieved what I set out to achieve in College but it has not been without it’s personal cost
College is a training ground for young people, but in Trinity’s culture that training ground can come at personal cost. In Trinity, I have been in various positions in societies and Trinity News. I have achieved my first year dream …
Student journalism: political without a capital p?
Should student journalists fear being overly-political?
When reporter Charlie Bird began his career at RTE, he carried a dictionary in his pocket. He found himself constantly searching for the spelling of words, and also their meaning, to make sure he was using them correctly. When I …
Irish citizens abroad deserve to have their voices heard in elections
We need to address the barriers to voting as an Irish citizen abroad
In the lead up to my 18th birthday, two things were top priority on my to-do list: apply for my age card and register to vote. Throughout my years in school, I developed a deep interest in politics, fostered by …
Leo Varadkar: From failed Hist committee candidate to Fine Gael Taoiseach
The first Trinity-educated Taoiseach, many students now would most likely distance themselves from him
Leo Varadkar held the record for the youngest Taoiseach in the history of the State, and although Simon Harris has since eclipsed him for this title following the Fine Gael Ard Fheis, this is something for which Varadkar will be …
Navigating the autistic experience in college
Ava Dowdall discusses the unique and often challenging experience of being a third level student with autism
My experience of knowing that I am autistic is very limited to my time in college, which inevitably happens when you are diagnosed two months before you start your degree. It has been an experience where, as I have known …
The half baked activism of Instagram infographics
Never has there been a time where information about the world around us was so easily accessible
Never has there been a time where information about the world around us was so easily accessible, whether on the radio, TV, newspapers, or, more recently, social media. Information on current affairs, specifically humanitarian issues, climate change, and wars raging …
I don’t care about sabbatical elections
Jonathan Wang examines the drama of sabbatical elections and how they can put unwanted pressure on students
Sabbatical elections are a huge deal, especially for Trinity College Dublin’s Students’ Union (SU), where it is of massive importance to elect several people to represent the various needs of our considerable student body and convey the needs of that …
In a disconnected Dublin, TCDSU must continue to advocate for change
Cost of living, accommodation and the rise of the far-right in Ireland will challenge the newly elected sabbatical officers
In an email addressed to the entire student body on the 16th of February, Provost Linda Doyle reiterated the fact that 2024 has been dubbed the “Year of Elections”. Up to 50 countries will head to the polls to some …