
A letter to… my parents

As one student begins to live it up again in the Pale, she writes to her parents back out in the sticks to reassure them that whilst Dublin living is great, there really is no place like home

Dear parents,

I sit writing this as I sip my skinny cappuccino in this new very hipster hidden gem I found on a corner of southside Dublin that you’ll never be able to find. It’s a college thing Mum; casual

Life, News

A letter to… My college friends

The summer months see our college friends spread out across the globe, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

Dear Dublin City and Friends,   

As I sit at home in 34° Celsius heat, with haze and humidity rolling over the mountains of Northern New Jersey, a piece of me wishes to be stuck inside on a rainy, grey, and

Features, Life

A Letter to my Sixth Year Self

Once intimidated by the prospect of a Trinity education, a student writes a letter to their younger self, addressing some of the stigma surrounding attending Trinity

Dear Sixth Year Me,

I know you’re terrified. With mock exams, sraithpictúirs and debs’ dresses, you have enough going on without the added pressure of trying to choose which university and which subject will become the centre of your universe


A letter to… slow walkers

The biggest frustration for any student walking to College? Idle strollers in the city centre

Dear Slow Walkers,

It is a lovely thing to walk down Grafton Street on a sunny day, chatting with a friend or two and enjoying yourself. It is equally lovely to take a leisurely stroll around St Stephen’s Green park.

Features, Life

A left-handed Letter

Imogen McGuckin writes a passionate mock letter to the Arts Block Administration on the discrimination against left-handed students

The Arts students of Trinity have a case of discrimination on their hands. In an age of equal opportunities, many remain disadvantaged by the structure of lecture theatres and teaching rooms. A minority sadly underrepresented by the College are those