
Graduate programs shouldn’t be our only vision of academic success

While many may feel pressured into undertaking postgraduate studies, pursuing a life outside of academia isn’t failing or giving up

At this time of final year, one of the best ways to strike fear into the hearts of myself and my Hamilton peers is with one question: “So, how are the masters applications going?” Upon hearing this, many students feel


The key to understanding the future of economics lies in the past

Patrick McDonagh argues that economic teaching needs a change in direction to avoid another crash


Almost a decade has passed since the onset of the great recession which caused enormous damage to the world economy, both in its initial onslaught, and from ill-considered policy responses which have often proved to be nothing short of folly.


Trinity’s QS Ranking Underlines the Desperate Need for Funding

In the wake of Trinity’s substantial drop in the QS rankings, Rory O’Sullivan highlights low funding provided to Irish universities as a pivotal issue.


The news that Trinity has dropped 20 places, from 78th to 98th, in the QS world university rankings, isn’t a Trinity story; it’s an Irish one. Of the 8 ranked Irish universities, 7 fell in this year’s rankings; only NUI


Trinity’s Biomedical Sciences Institute receives donation to support search for autoimmune disease treatments

It is hoped that the funding will help in discovering treatments for “a range of inflammatory disease”


AbbVie, an international biopharmaceutical company, and Science Foundation Ireland have awarded €2.5 million to Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute for four new research topics over the next three years.

The funding has been given to help the Biomedical Sciences Institute conduct


Matrimony and Academia

Trinity researchers Dr. Ann Devitt and Dr. Gareth Bennett both received Fulbright awards this summer. They also happen to be married.

FEATURES“We didn’t expect to get it. It’s unusual the Fulbright is awarded to a couple.” Dr. Gareth Bennett is quite right. At a ceremony in Iveagh House, Dr. Ann Devitt, and her husband Bennett, recently became the first married couple


College should let us see more of the world outside the classroom

Rigid attendance requirements make it too difficult for many students to get involved in the kind of extracurricular experiences that change lives.


Extra credit? If only

Search “extra credit” on Google and there are great stories to be found.

There’s the one of students in Northern Michigan University who were given 20 extra credit points for attending an “Occupy the Upper Peninsula”


Trinity begins international recruitment campaign to fill 40 new academic posts

Mike Jennings of IFUT says “the dangers” of the new plan “far outweigh the benefits of getting additional staff”


Trinity will launch a new international recruitment campaign next month, which will see it recruit 40 new academic posts across a range of subject areas from children’s literature to pharmaceutical chemistry as part of the College’s current strategic plan.



Trinity to review its links with Israeli and Palestinian third-level institutions

The move comes after numerous student initiatives campaigning for College to cut its academic links with Israeli institutions over the past three years.


Trinity has commenced a review of its relations with third-level institutions in both Israel and Palestine, Trinity News has learned.

Academic secretary, Patricia Callaghan, is currently conducting the audit, which concerns the “formal and informal relationships currently in place between


I’ve spent my degree tiptoeing around sexist lecturers

Teaching staff aren’t held accountable for their behaviour; female students pay the price.


I had two ideas for a dissertation. I weighed up pros and cons. One probably had more sources, the other was more straightforward; one was more controversial, the other was more unique; etc. My decision, however, came down to a …