
Trinity professor appointed as sole academic on committee for national drug and alcohol strategy

Catherine Comiskey, of the school of nursing and midwifery, said that she was honoured to be appointed

 Trinity professor Catherine Comiskey has been appointed to the role of sole academic expert on the National Oversight Committee, which is responsible for implementing the new national drug and alcohol strategy for 2017-2025.

Regarding her appointment, the healthcare statistics professor


Surviving college as a non-drinker

Growing up in a Muslim household and spending most of my secondary school years in Dubai has resulted in me never having been around alcohol. As such, it has never been a topic of conversation with my friends and nor has it been my go-to source of fun.

OP-EDLast Friday night, we danced on table tops, we took too many shots, think we kissed but I forgot. Story of my life.


Last Thursday, as the evening was coming to an end, so was my class get-together. As


Time for student bodies to get serious about providing alcohol-free spaces

If student representatives are really serious about preventing alcohol abuse, they need to do more than run campaigns.

commentBANNERThe Union of Students in Ireland (USI) last month launched a campaign, Mental Drinking, which aims to change students’ attitudes towards alcohol. It has been welcomed as an alternative to the Diageo-funded Stop Out of Control Drinking campaign. It is …


Strict drink regulation creating nation of binge drinkers

Legislation ostensibly put in place to combat Ireland’s long-standing problems with alcohol has had an unwanted side effect.

comment1It’s no secret that this fair isle has had a troubled history with the so called demon drink. Abroad, the stereotype of the Irish has for a long time been that Ireland is a nation of unruly drunks. This stereotype …