
Budget: Government announces 36.5m increase in third level funding

No increase in student contribution fees


The government has announced a €36.5 million increase for third level education funding. The increase was announced by Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, during his budget speech earlier today. He called the increase the “first significant investment” …


Little evidence of government initiative in tackling the growing student accommodation crisis in Budget 2016

While there were some overtures to students in new funding announced for the Student Assistance Fund, the government failed to tackle one of the biggest growing concerns for students


The so-called “giveaway budget” announced by the government this week gave away little to third-level students. Aside from the €3 million announced for the Student Assistance Fund, a pittance when compared to the €50 million allocated for 1916 commemorations, student


IFUT says Budget has failed third-level education

The federation claims: “The very fabric of third-level education and our third-level institutions” is at risk


Reacting to the announcement on education spending in Budget 2016 last week, the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) have condemned the government for “totally” failing “to address the funding and staffing crisis facing third level education” and “threatening the