
“Scholars At Risk” conference opened by President Michael D. Higgins

The Long Room Hub hosted a Scholars At Risk Ireland conference this morning, highlighting the continuing struggle for academic freedom across the globe


“Scholars and universities are not simply the collateral casualties of conflict; they very often are the very focus for such conflict”

-Michael D. Higgins

Established at the University of Chicago in 1999, Scholars At Risk (SAR) is an international network …


Voting for The Man

Rory O’Neill dissects one of the most shocking election results of our time

“Whilst Trump is undoubtedly horrendous, and the rest of this article will proceed from that premise, none of this is of any explanatory value in understanding what happened.”

Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States has left the


Who voted for Trump?

A look at voter demographics in the US and how voting patterns have changed over the past 3 elections

When you conduct a campaign relying on language that encourages otherisation, derision and open hatred of other groups you will find that a few speeches about ‘coming together’ will do little to heal the deep divisions.

I sat up on

Life, News

The Hist and Pol Soc’s US Election lock-in

Sinéad Harrington went to the The Hist and PolSoc’s election lock-in and reports on the high tension event.

“The true political enthusiast could be found huddled around these monitors, watching for each and every development in the swing states. The walls were covered with maps of the US and county maps of the swing states, ensuring that every


Our sense of foreboding has rung true and it’s a deafening sound

Zahra Khan describes the dumbfounding fear she felt as the electoral votes began to clock up in favour of Donald Trump, America’s 45th President

“We were never prepared to expect a man who wished to bar all Muslims from entering the US. We were never prepared to expect that the Majority would agree.”

I did not wake up to the shocking, soul shattering news …


Who will be the next American president?

InDepth Editor Peter O’Donovan examines polling data in the lead up to the US presidential election to analyse which candidate is most likely to win the seat in the Oval Office


“Between Trump and Clinton, Clinton has consistently held a narrow lead, although in the most recent polls it has widened to an 11 point lead on average.”

After a year of bruising primary contests and dramatic revelations about the candidates


First you get the money…

Is Trump really the savvy businessman he claims he is?


“If Donald Trump had invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 in 1982, he would have been worth around double what he is claiming he is today.”

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, was a co-founder of Bain

Life, News

Inside ‘God On Tap’

Trinity Life dropped into the Methodist Chaplaincy’s bi-weekly discussion, this week focusing on the topic of ‘why people of faith are voting for Trump’


Last Tuesday the Methodist Chaplaincy of Trinity held their usual bi-weekly ‘God on Tap’ discussion. This time the topic of discussion was more controversial than usual, namely  ‘why people of faith are voting for Trump’. I was intrigued to discover


Donald Trump vs. Planet Earth

How one man’s Presidential bid threatens our planet’s future


As the November U.S. elections approach, the nightmarish thought of Donald Trump being elected to the White House has at times appeared a grim possibility. An average of popular Presidential polls (pre-Busgate) from across the US had placed Trump just …


Why I’m sick of people bashing Donald Trump

Well meaning liberal platitudes about Trump are no substitute for a real movement of people power, says Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin


The latest passionate condemnation of Donald Trump came this week in the form of an open letter from Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York on Monday (the 14th of March) – another well-constructed, facile enumeration of all the terrible