
Trinity professor appointed as sole academic on committee for national drug and alcohol strategy

Catherine Comiskey, of the school of nursing and midwifery, said that she was honoured to be appointed

 Trinity professor Catherine Comiskey has been appointed to the role of sole academic expert on the National Oversight Committee, which is responsible for implementing the new national drug and alcohol strategy for 2017-2025.

Regarding her appointment, the healthcare statistics professor


University Times implicated in doping scandal following annual football match

The controversy came to light following a football match with Trinity News this evening

The University Times has been involved in a widespread doping scandal, sources have revealed. At least 20 members of the SU newsletter are believed to have been involved, in a secret report compiled by the SU itself.

The revelation comes


TCDSU is now in favour of decriminalising drugs

The motion particularly focused upon the welfare aspects of drug decriminalisation

The Council of TCDSU voted tonight in favour of the Union adopting a formal stance in favour of decriminalisation of drugs. The first meeting of the Union’s Council, which took place this evening in the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI) …


Student drug culture isn’t the end of the world

Common student drug use is not about the minority of students for whom drugs become an issue.

COMMENTOne of my residing memories from last year posed quite a juxtaposition, and stuck with me. I pushed open a bathroom stall in a club to find a girl licking the back of her student card. Nice one. Little over


Drugs have been decriminalised – they should stay that way

Prohibition further pushes drug abusers to the edges of society where their addiction will only deepen.

comment1Due to what is essentially a legal fuck up on the part of Irish Court of Appeals, Ireland is now host to a Purge-esque 48-hour window in which it is temporarily legal to possess ketamine, ecstasy pills, magic mushrooms, …