At the time of writing, there is a chance that, for the first time in recent memory, an unopposed candidate will lose an election to RON. Muireann Kane is polling at 56% among decided voters in the Communications and Marketing …
Editorial: We stand by our reporting
Since the publication of our article on the investigation by a Students’ Union body of allegations against the Students’ Union newspaper, The University Times, Trinity News has been subjected to a number of criticisms. We answer some of them below.…
Editorial: We stand by our reporting and in doing so we stand by our peers
On Tuesday morning, The University Times (UT) ran a front page story outlining the growing difficulties that student societies are facing in operating within Trinity. Citing several documents of correspondence between societies and College offices (specifically the Enquiries and Examinations …
Student media must not lose its edge
In October 2005, details of the first documented instance of US-funded military research in an Irish university were uncovered by an Irish newspaper. Between 2002 and 2004, it was revealed, College had received funding from the US Air Force for …
Fail, succeed, try again
Disregard all advice that is directed to you as a “student”. It’s a trap. Being a “student” does not make you someone different from who you were in sixth year or who you’ll be after you’ve gotten a degree.
“Student” …
Let your voice be heard
Think back to that sunny day in August that has led almost all of you to be here clambering around the society stands, figuring out where the Academic Registry is and generally having a ball. On results day, the media …