
Wild Ball shows students what conservation should mean for activists, and what it can achieve

In an increasingly disengaged and uninterested student body, events like this year’s Wild Ball shows the success and importance of conservation efforts.

March 26 marked the greatly successful union of a number of societies with mutual interests, in order to host an evening full of all the usual trimmings of a society ball, but with a philanthropic goal. The extent to which


Ethical fashion on the rise

Caoimhe Gordon investigates the rise of an eco-friendly mindset in the fashion industry

“Everybody’s buying far too many clothes.”

So announced eccentric British fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood in 2013. Urging consumers to opt for quality over quantity, Westwood was not attempting to cajole the general public to scrap together their pennies to purchase


Recent Advances in Climate Change

Seana Davis investigates some of the latest advances to tackle climate change

The clock is ticking on how fast we can tackle climate change. The issue has become a stark reality. In a year overshadowed by politics, climate change is something that can simply no longer be ignored. As  Mary Robinson, UN

Life, News

Would you eat a synthetically-made burger?

Professor Mark Post discusses the importance of the artificially cultured meat industry at an event held by Global Development Soc and DU General Science Soc


“Cows are inefficient food producers. In fact, they’re obsolete.”

Yesterday saw Trinity Global Development Soc and DU General Science Society come together to host Professor Mark Post, Chair of the Department of Physiology at Maastricht University and pioneer of the


TCDSU’s Environmental Lobby Group Launch

Present at the launch was Senator Grace O’Sullivan of the Green Party, who openly supported Trinity’s divestment campaign.


“[Elliot] spoke of the dangers currently facing us with climate change, and how Trinity’s divestment could ‘send a powerful message’. The group expect a decision to be made on this in early December.”

Yesterday evening saw TCDSU’s new Environmental Lobby


Emmet highlights JCR President has yet to appoint Environment Officer

A mandate was passed on this at a JCR Open Forum last term


A Trinity News Life interview with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Environment Officer Thomas Emmet has highlighted that the Junior Common Room (JCR) Committee is missing an elected environmental representative. JCR President Sara Loughlin has told Trinity News that


Introducing the TCDSU Lobby Group

The group was formed this summer with President Kieran McNulty as Chair


In line with his manifesto for election, Trinity College Dublin Student Union (TCDSU) President Kieran McNulty has organised a Lobby Group which will act as the SU’s ‘political wing’, aiming to represent student voices in national politics through eight campaigns:


Agricultural greenhouse emissions “underestimated” according to Trinity scientists

Ireland is under international observation with regards to a number of environmental issues including large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.


Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have found that relying on data which excludes land-use history in annual reporting on agricultural land use in Ireland has led to an underestimation of cropland emissions by 46%.

Research fellow in botany at Trinity


Trinity botanists discover critically endangered new tree species

The discovery happened during an ecological survey in Honduras.


Botanists from Trinity College Dublin, led by Dr Daniel Kelly, Professor Emeritus in Trinity’s botany department in the school of natural sciences, have discovered a new species of tree from the coffee family.

The discovery happened during an ecological survey …