
Assessing the prospects for future international students at Trinity

Speaking with students from outside Ireland about their time studying in College, we can identify the areas the administration needs to improve upon

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With the proposed increase in international students, it is more important than ever to examine how past students from outside Ireland have experienced being a visiting student at Trinity. The students contacted for this article have all on the whole


Postgraduate Erasmus students unhappy over being assigned undergraduate student status

The students are unable to access normal postgraduate privileges and facilities



A number of postgraduate Erasmus students studying in Trinity, who have been allocated undergraduate student status in the college, have been unable to avail of normal postgraduate entitlements and are seeking to be reregistered as postgraduate students.

Roxana Stauber, a


Returning to Trinity early will be difficult for students on Erasmus in France after Paris attacks

One student told that resuming studies in Trinity early is “not a viable option”



Trinity News has spoken to a number of Trinity students taking part in the Erasmus programme in France who have said that College has given them to understand that coming back to Trinity early for students who feel unsafe because