Before I left for my year abroad, in a little corner of my mind, I naively rejected the belief that Erasmus wasn’t going to be a typical college year. Naturally, it was going to be a little different, I thought …
Assessing the prospects for future international students at Trinity
Speaking with students from outside Ireland about their time studying in College, we can identify the areas the administration needs to improve upon
Postgraduate Erasmus students unhappy over being assigned undergraduate student status
The students are unable to access normal postgraduate privileges and facilities
Returning to Trinity early will be difficult for students on Erasmus in France after Paris attacks
One student told that resuming studies in Trinity early is “not a viable option”
Postcard from Aragón
Spanish banks, supermarkets and nightlife take one Erasmus student by surprise.
Like all JS European Studies students, I have the good fortune to spend this year on exchange at a European university, in order to have a proper stab at learning a foreign language before graduating. In my case, home is …
Erasmus programme is a unique opportunity for personal development
Stephen Fry said that a “university education” was everything you learnt outside of the lecture theatre, talking to friends and meeting new people. If you were to write about those conversations in an essay, instead of quotes from text books, …