
Kilonava observation marks the dawn of Multi-Messenger Astronomy

“There are rare occasions when a scientist has the chance to witness a new era at its beginning,”

In October 2017, following the observation of gamma-ray bursts, visible light, and gravitational waves, all from the same event (a ‘kilonova’, the merging of two incredibly dense neutron stars), several papers were published in the journal Nature and elsewhere outlining


Trinity professor elected Advisor to the Director of European Space Agency

Peter Gallagher, a Trinity Astrophysics Professor, has been elected as the Advisor to the Director of Science at the European Space Agency (ESA). Along with eleven other members of the Space Science Advisory Committee (SSAC), Professor Gallagher will execute a

Life, News

Fresh to the Cobblestones: Trinity Space Society

Dedicated, fresh, and out of this world, Trinity’s new society Trinity Space Society (TSS) reveals the story of their formation and their hopes for the future in an interview with Stephen Ennis, the society’s chairperson


“For a long time,” Stephen Ennis admits, “I believed that Space was something for genius minds in Pasadena [NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory]. I never believed us humble Irish could play a part.” With the work of space-oriented companies such as