
Trinity officially announces plan to divest from fossil fuel companies

College joins a worldwide initiative to break financial ties with the fossil fuel industry

NEWSTrinity College has announced today its intention to sell off investments in fossil fuel companies, becoming the first Irish university to do so. The move comes in response to a 15 month student campaign, spearheaded in Trinity by Fossil Free

Life, News

No Enda in sight when it comes to fossil fuels

Bill Walsh reflects back on Freshers’ Week when Fossil Free TCD activist Deirdre Duff questioned the Taoiseach on his knowledge of divestment


“Fossil fuels are going nowhere,” stated a hesitant Enda Kenny confronted by Deirdre Duff from Fossil Free TCD during Freshers’ Week this year.

He went on to say that the €72m worth of public money invested in multinational energy companies


Sell the Kells

Fossil Free TCD’s tongue-in-cheek petition provides a novel way to draw attention to Trinity’s decision on divestment this November


“Hi, would you be interested in signing our petition towards selling the Book of Kells?”

It is in no way unusual to be approached by whichever group or society have claimed the tables on the first floor of the Arts


Agricultural greenhouse emissions “underestimated” according to Trinity scientists

Ireland is under international observation with regards to a number of environmental issues including large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.


Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have found that relying on data which excludes land-use history in annual reporting on agricultural land use in Ireland has led to an underestimation of cropland emissions by 46%.

Research fellow in botany at Trinity