
TCDSU’s Environmental Lobby Group Launch

Present at the launch was Senator Grace O’Sullivan of the Green Party, who openly supported Trinity’s divestment campaign.


“[Elliot] spoke of the dangers currently facing us with climate change, and how Trinity’s divestment could ‘send a powerful message’. The group expect a decision to be made on this in early December.”

Yesterday evening saw TCDSU’s new Environmental Lobby

Life, News

What is Green Week?

Laura Grant gives an overview of what SU Officer Thomas Emmet has in store for Green Week. Collaborating societies include ZooSoc, EnviroSoc, TAF, VDP and more


This year, College’s Green Week launches on the week of the November 14, an earlier start from the slot of last year which saw the event run alongside the annual sabbatical elections. The aim of the week is to promote


Sustainable Fashion Show takes place as part of University Green Week

The entrants had been tasked with putting together an outfit using “upcycling”- reusing discarded objects or material in a way which creates something of a higher value- or using any other environmentally sustainable technique.

On Thursday night, a ‘Sustainable Fashion Show’ was held in the Atrium as a part of the university’s Green Week.

The week was organised by the Green Campus Committee in collaboration with the environmental society in Trinity.

The entrants had