
The war against ISIL and the illusion of choice

The fight won’t be over before Christmas. Their brand of government is self-destructive, but their belief in their cause is absolute. If unchallenged, the beheadings will only become more frequent.


A military and ideological battle against ISIL is inevitable. The question is over what role, if any, the west should play in the coming carnage, and what strategy it should pursue in doing so.

Since the 1990s, and perhaps even


Returning to Trinity early will be difficult for students on Erasmus in France after Paris attacks

One student told that resuming studies in Trinity early is “not a viable option”


Trinity News has spoken to a number of Trinity students taking part in the Erasmus programme in France who have said that College has given them to understand that coming back to Trinity early for students who feel unsafe because


From Karbalā to Milltown via the South Circular Road

Michael Lanigan talks Islam and ISIS with Mudafar al-Tawash, a leader of Dublin’s Sunni community.

indepth1The Irish Sunni population flock in their droves each Friday to fill the Islamic Foundation of Ireland Mosque, on the South Circular Road, which, as its peak capacity, can accommodate about 800 persons. Like a condensed Mecca, the crowds spill …


The ‘ISIS crisis’ must be resolved in Syria, says Middle East academic

Nader Hashemi: Saudi Arabia interpretation of Islam has had a “corrosive effect” worldwide

news“All roads lead to Damascus” in the fight to destroy ISIS, the Jihadi rebel group, Nader Hashemi told students at an event hosted by the Society for International Affairs (SoFIA) yesterday.

Hashemi, the director of the Centre for Middle East …