The NCAD Community Garden Farm was founded on a site which, according to former NCAD Students’ Union member and one of the garden’s founders, Rian Coulter, was “a complete cesspit of absolute urban hazards”. The garden, which is next door …
HEA to penalise three third-level institutions over their “poor performance” standards
Galway-Mayo IT, NCAD and Dundalk IT could face the withholding of hundreds of thousands of euro worth of their state funding due their underperformance in a new assessment initiative
For the first time ever, Irish colleges are facing penalties due to “poor performance”. The Galway-Mayo institute of Technology (GMIT), Dundalk Institute of Technology and the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) face financial penalties, which will see the …
NCAD Student Action view appointment of new director with “absolute scepticism”
The student group have staged several sit-ins and protests against the mismanagement of the college and its accounts
NCAD director Declan McGonagle to step down from post
The director had been under fire in the past months over the college’s account keeping and provision of services
NCAD Student Action march to the Department of Education
Students gathered at NCAD Thursday before marching to the Department of Education in protest over fee increases, structural changes and lack of transparency around college accounts.
‘Identify other students willing to take action’ – NCAD protesters at TCD
The organisers of this month’s protests at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) have urged Trinity class reps to pursue direct action against college management following the passing of new and increased student charges last week.
Speaking at …