
Trinity Economic Forum draws to a close with clashing opinions by Paddy Cosgrave and Vernon Smith

Speaking exclusively to Trinity News professor Smith praised the strength of the Irish economic “comeback”, although he lamented the practise of bank bailouts and guarantees that took place

NEWSOn Saturday the 2016 Trinity Economic Forum (TEF) drew to a close, after a busy second day of distinguished guest speakers, animated panels and interactive workshops in Trinity’s Long Room Hub.

Among the contributors to the day’s discussions were Nobel


Web Summit to give away 7,000 tickets to students

Organisation says move is a way to “give back” and inspire Irish students, but it could be last time the event is held in Ireland

NEWSThe CEO of the Web Summit Paddy Cosgrave announced today the organisation’s intention to distribute 7,000 free tickets to secondary and third level students.

The plan was unveiled today during an event where organisers discussed what attendees should expect from …