On Wednesday, Frederik Willem De Klerk came to speak at an event held by Trinity’s Law Society. The former president of South Africa, who oversaw the transition away from the apartheid system, gave an engaging talk on freedom and equality …
Praeses Elit Award
FW de Klerk to speak to Trinity Law Soc
Law Soc have announced they shall present the Trinity Praeses Elit Award to Nobel Peace Prize winner FW de Klerk
Trinity Law Society have announced that they will host Nobel Peace Prize winner FW de Klerk to address students on Wednesday January 18. De Klerk shall be awarded the Trinity Praeses Elit Award in recognition of his central role in …
Bob Geldof talks modern life and culture today at Law Soc
Geldof visited the society to receive their Praeses Elit award
…“He was particularly unaccepting of the act of keyboard warriorism, describing “venting your spleen” on some internet discussion forum as “cyber wanking”, before encouraging us all, as university students, to go out and march, lobby or knock on doors in
Baroness Hale speaks to TCD Law Soc
Baroness Hale made history when she was appointed to the House of Lords in 2004, becoming the first female to be appointed
The Trinity Praeses Elit Award was awarded to Baroness Brenda Hale by TCD Law Society on 11 March. Baroness Hale made history when she was appointed to the House of Lords in 2004, becoming the first female to be appointed. …