
SU Presidential Race: Interview with Kevin Keane

Deputy chair of the Lobby Group and SUAS president Kevin Keane wants to give as much power to students as possible by introducing an “Empowerment Week”


As Deputy Chair of the Lobby Group and president of SUAS Trinity, SS Law Student Kevin Keane puts the concept of College as a community in itself at the forefront of his campaign. “College has given me a lot and


Delving into Trinity’s Societal Past

As college resumes and society memberships are culled, Jane Purdom looks into some of the largest societies and how they contribute to the living history of the college


“Considering this source in isolation, it is easy to imagine societies having an even more influential role on the student experience than they do today – acting as powerful driving forces of innovation and progress that integrated the student body

Life, News

The Hist Debate: This House Regrets Allies at Pride

Speeches were emotive and passionate at the Hist and QSoc’s joint event this week


TCDSU, Q Soc and The Hist joined ranks yesterday to debate the motion This House Regrets Allies at Pride, the third evening event of Rainbow Week. The motion was proposed by Lorna Staines, Samuel Riggs, Olly Donnelly and Peter Gowan,


Pink Training – a weekend of insightful workshops and lip-sync battles

Elle Loughran and Rory Codd reflect back upon the wonderful and wacky weekend at the LGBTQ USI training course


Pink Training, a crash course in LGBTQ issues held by USI in University College Cork over the last weekend of November, consisted of a series of workshops, talks and social events for LGBTQ students and allies, from Non-Binary 101 to

Life, News

High Society: A night of freeflowing society synergy

Louis Roberts attends the highly anticipated event, that allows societies based in House 6 to open their doors to collaborate with one another and welcome College at large to participate


High Society is an event held annually, in which the small, yet influential societies at the top of House 6 get together to host a black tie event, full of variety, society characters and of course, queer pong. Hosted this …

Life, News

Magnified Societies: Q Soc

Rory Codd meets with Kyle Chambers, a member of the Q Soc committee, to discuss the society’s plans for the year and its biggest annual event


“We’re also the most active society on campus, as we have coffee hours every day and we arrange three events every week.”
Q: Could you introduce yourself and outline your role in Q Soc?

A: “I’m Kyle and I’m the


First joint Trinity News and QSoc hustings proves to be an insightful affair

Stephen Hatton, former LGBT rights officer, and current editor of Trinity News Matthew Mulligan, chaired the hustings and alternated the questions between queer issues and broader election topics

leadershipraceA large crowd filtered into the Joly theatre at 7pm today for the Trinity News and QSoc hustings. Stephen Hatton, former LGBT Rights Officer (LGBTRO), and Matthew Mulligan, current Editor of Trinity News, chaired the hustings and alternated the questions …