
Royal College of Surgeons opens new €80 million centre

The building has been in construction for two and a half years


The Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI) has opened a new building in Dublin which spans ten storeys and has been in construction for the past two and a half years. The new centre, which is valued at €80 million, will …

Life, News

Queer prom: the debs I wished I’d had

Rory Codd details the success of the second Intervarsity Queer Prom hosted last night by Royal College of Surgeons.

Last night, Friday February 24, I had the pleasure of attending the second annual Intervarsity Queer Prom, an event held for LGBT+ students across all of Dublin’s third-level institutions. It was hosted last year by Trinity’s very own Q Soc, …


New figures released show class divide in third level education

The number of grant recipients is higher in regional institutes of technology than in Dublin universities


New figures on grant recipients in higher education institutions have been released showing the class divide between universities and institutes of technology (ITs). Over 50% of students in all institutes of technology around the country receive grant support.

School-leavers that