
Boosting the “community feel” in College: Rachel Skelly, Welfare Candidate

Getting students physically active, widening conversations surrounding consent and sexual assault and promoting a better environment for student wellbeing in College are key priorities for Rachel Skelly

Rachel Skelly is a Junior Sophister Single Honours Geographer from Clontarf, Dublin. Last April, she was elected the Students’ Union’s Gender Equality Officer. Along with society tasks and work on gender issues, Skelly has also participated in a number of


EU report finds 21% of Irish people believe sex without consent to be “ok”

The report was part of an EU study to mark International Day to End Violence Against Women

The results of a recent Eurobarometer poll have brought to light the “alarming” attitudes towards sexual consent and assault in Ireland. The report was carried out in June and published yesterday to mark International Day to End Violence Against Women.


We need to stop treating sexual assault survivors like liars

One in four is a horrifying statistic. We must all do our part to change it.


Last year, the Students’ Union published the results of a survey conducted on student experiences of non‐consensual sex. It makes for depressing reading. One in four women on campus have had a non‐consensual sexual experience. Think about that for second. …


The year we started to pay attention to college sexual assault

Rape culture is just as much an issue in Irish universities as it is in the US and UK.

indepth12014 was the year we finally started talking about sexual assault on university campuses, with the issue attracting considerable media attention particularly in the US, where it could be considered a pandemic in some universities. Columbia University student  Emma Sulkowicz …


Sexual assault survey officially launched on campus

news1The Trinity College Students’ Union (TCDSU) landmark sexual assault survey reported on last week by Trinity News was officially launched yesterday.

The survey,  which polled 1,038 students between December 8th and 13th, asked respondents five questions relating to whether student


One in four female TCD students sexually assaulted – survey

SU welfare officer, Ian Mooney, is in talks to introduce compulsory sexual consent workshops for students.

news1One in four female students at Trinity College who responded to a students’ union survey has had a non-consensual sexual experience. The soon-to-be-released study, which surveyed 1,038 male and female students online between December 8th and 13th, found that 25% …