Features, Life

How the sunshine might make me fail my exams

As we’re blessed with more and more days of blazing sunshine, one student describes the lure of the Pav in good weather and the threat this poses to our grades

It’s 2pm on a Wednesday afternoon. You’re struggling through assignments, pondering the revision you ought to have started, or really any sort of work that a responsible college student would be doing at this time of year. Your phone lights

Life, News

Dissecting the dissertation process

SS English and History student Megan Thompson outlines some advice for incoming fourth year students considering a dissertation

With the time to choose your modules for next year fast approaching, most of those rising to their final year will have the choice to do a dissertation, and some of those  in lower years  may make choices which will


The case for going off-books

Neasa Candon spent a year as a ‘free mover’ instead of going on Erasmus – one of the best decisions of her life. She explains the differences, benefits and how to apply


It’s December; the Toy Show has passed, the nights are longer, and the procrastination more intense than ever, meaning only one thing — Christmas is on the way! Once a time for peaceful reflection, the four week break now spells


Crossing the line with study drugs

For some students, the side effects of concentration-enhancing drugs like Adderrall are a risk worth taking.


Town was bustling, as people ran from shop to shop, rain bouncing down around them. From inside the coffee shop, all one could see was blurred figures dashing about, the misted windows rendering their anonymity complete, providing an apt setting …