Kevin Keane, a fourth year Law student, has been elected President of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) on the 1st count.
Out of a valid poll of votes, Keane received 1,584 first preferences, amounting to 51.9 % of the …
Kevin Keane, a fourth year Law student, has been elected President of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) on the 1st count.
Out of a valid poll of votes, Keane received 1,584 first preferences, amounting to 51.9 % of the …
The 2017 Leadership Campaign got underway at Students’ Union Hustings this evening. This will be the first campaign to take place since the introduction of stricter rules surrounding the race. This years race will be shorter than previous years and …
The majority of students are familiar with the Students’ Union’s sabbatical officers, but can the same be said of the SU’s part-time officers? Who are these faces from House 6, and just how do they work to contribute to student …
A Trinity News Life interview with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Environment Officer Thomas Emmet has highlighted that the Junior Common Room (JCR) Committee is missing an elected environmental representative. JCR President Sara Loughlin has told Trinity News that …
Death has the ability to concrete a writer’s reputation. The fact that they have passed on results in the eulogizing of their existing work, the glorification of their mediocre meanderings. Because their work now has a cap on it, it …