Last week, scientists at the Francis Crick Institute in London received the go-ahead to edit the genomes of human embryos from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). It didn’t take long for other scientists to begin issuing statements about …
turlough heffernan
Can psychology research be trusted?
Can we rely on results published by researchers in the field of psychology? How reproducible are the results? Turlough Heffernan describes the Reproducibility Project and its findings.
Can science explain vampires and zombies?
In a previous article (Bloody Perceptions), we saw how transfusing the blood of young mice into old mice could essentially reverse the ageing process and improve the memories of the old mice as well as their ability to …
Let them eat insects
With the population of the world expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, it should come as no surprise that efforts are already underway to determine just how humanity will go about feeding so many people. Obviously, agriculture has been …